Yoga Sadhana

“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.”
– T.K.V. Desikachar

Yoga Sadhana Online Series 

Upcoming Online (21 – days) Series for 2025

 Pranayama & Pratyahara : May 3,4,10,11,17 & 18, 2025

Exploring the Yama -s : July 5,6,12,13,19 & 20 

Exploring the Niyama -s : September 6,7,13,14,20 & 21

Includes Monday – Friday group practice sessions for 3 weeks 

Yoga Sadhana In-person Immersive Retreat
Dates: 9 – 15 November 2025
Please arrive before lunch on the 9th.
The program starts at 3 pm on 9th November (Sunday) and concludes with lunch
on 15th November (Saturday).


Foundational Course for Personal Growth

A unique opportunity to learn yoga through study, practice, and self-reflection for those with more than a casual interest in yoga…

Yoga, as traditionally emphasized, is an experiential Darsana, that is, a way of reflecting on oneself and our relationship with the world. In alignment with this perspective, the Yoga Sadhana program will focus primarily on experiential work – whether it is personalized yoga practice on the mat or self-reflective exercises. Brief theoretical introduction to various concepts and dimensions of yoga will be provided as and when necessary. This program intends to empower participants to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life in harmony with the cycles of one’s own being and that of Nature.

To register, click on the button below.

Click here to register

How can I improve my physical, mental, emotional health and wellbeing?

 How can I recognise and understand my emotions to find better balance and harmony in relationships?  

Can I listen and communicate in a way that is nourishing and enlivening for me and the other?  

Can I live and engage with the world from a space of greater clarity and strength?  

We all, at some point in our lives,  have grappled with one or all of these questions. We may have strived hard to find answers to these questions outside of us – in our work, in our relationships, in books, youtube videos, and Gurus of all kinds. 

Yoga offers many tools to deeply explore these questions, to navigate our inner landscape and find direction and sustainable practices towards a better life.

Mindfulness is both a key ingredient and an outcome of an effective yoga practice.  Mindfulness practices as received from the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, help an individual to create and sustain an inner ground of peace, stability, and clarity through the busy-ness of life creating the perfect environment for deeper practices and inquiry. When one begins to recognise the interconnected and interdependent nature of our existence, the perception, and experience of our inner and outer reality changes, making positive actions possible and sustainable.

Yoga Sadhana is an invitation to turn inward, to get in touch with the intelligence within each of us and to find answers that are deeply and personally meaningful. It offers a safe space to examine our thoughts, beliefs, values and figure out how these impact the way we look at ourselves and respond to life.

Very simply put, the purpose of the Yoga Sadhana program is – Deepening Awareness. With Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and the teachings of Mindfulness as the guide, we will explore simple daily practices that will deepen our awareness of our inner and outer world,  so that we live our life with greater clarity and balance. 

We will also be exploring the various facets of “well being” and how food, sleep patterns, lifestyle, thoughts, physical and mental activities impact our sense of “well being”.

Asana, Pranayama, Reflective work, Mindfulness practices and other meditative practices are the key tools used to help each individual understand the intricate patterns of thoughts, beliefs, desires, fears and memories that drive us. Concepts from the yoga sutras will be introduced to support and help the discoveries and experiences.

Transformation is a deeply personal journey. To be effective, the tools of yoga have to be customised to the needs of every individual. The Yoga Sadhana Program is designed keeping this in mind.

The sessions will include theory classes, reflective work, and practice. 

Daily practice is one of the key components of Yoga Sadhana. This is the time that we spend with ourselves – body, breath, mind. 

At YogaVahini, each participant receives personalized care, attention and guidance in personal development. The teaching methodology, approach and process are aligned to our core philosophy of focusing and starting with our individual experiences.

The Sanga (community) is a fantastic teacher. This program offers you an opportunity to participate and engage in a healthy, practicing yoga community committed to the path of personal growth, transformation and social responsibility.

All sharing shall be confidential by virtue of our policy and all participants shall be encouraged to make such a Sankalpa.

  • Started the journey into understanding and appreciating the art, science, and philosophy of Yoga
  • An understanding of the parameters that constitute your well-being
  • A personal yoga practice specially designed for you, a companion for life
  • Explored significant dimensions of your life and observed the nature of your relationship with other human beings, work, society and environment at large
  • A powerful tool kit of practices that can support and guide you through your life path
  • A community of committed practitioners to sustain this journey earnestly and joyfully
  • A foundation to explore your interest in the possibility of becoming a yoga teacher and perhaps a yoga therapist