Teaching yoga to children and young adults

Are you inherently fun loving?

Would you like to keep the child within you alive?

Do you enjoy the company of children?

Would you like to teach yoga to children?


If yes, this is the workshop for you! Register here. 

Introducing a child to yoga is like sowing a seed that can sprout at a later stage. It forms the foundation for healthy and holistic development of the child. Especially in today’s context, we cannot over-emphasize the need to bring yoga to children in a way that they can enjoy and benefit from.

In the tradition of Sri Krishnamacharya, the approach to teaching children and young adults is referred to as ‘Srsti krama’ and ‘Sakti krama’, respectively. The workshop will lay the foundation for this approach. 

You will learn to:

  • Customise asana practice for children and young adults 
  • Use tools and techniques to make the asana practices interesting and beneficial for children
  • Design practices to improve flexibility, strength, confidence, and emotional resilience through yoga

Dates: 16 and 17 September 2023
Time: 2 – 4.30 pm IST 

Indian students: Rs 3,000
International students: USD 50

About the teachers

Jyothi Shanbhag is a yoga teacher and therapist who has been working with children and young adults for over 20 years. She has worked as a teacher and therapist in educational institutions, Spastic Society, and RASA (School for Differently abled). She offers personalised therapy classes and mentors teachers and therapy trainees at YogaVahini.

Shakuntala Devulapally is a yoga teacher and therapist, who has been working with healthy children and those who have special needs on a one-on-one basis, in groups and in schools for over 5 years.

Register here.