Bringing the Gunas from Ayurveda into a yoga practice

Exploring the 20 Gunas

Through Asana, Pranayama, and Mantra

Dates: 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 October (Mondays)

Time: 11.30 am – 12.45 pm IST

Teacher: Eniko Pianovszky

Register here.

In Sangati October 2023, Eniko will explore the 20 gunas (10 pairs of opposites) through asana, pranayama, and mantra. 

According to Ayurveda, the manifest world (both gross and subtle) has 20 definitive attributes that can be categorised into 10 opposing pairs. 
Guru (heavy) X Laghu (light in weight)
Manda (slow) X Tiksna (quick, sharp) 
Hima (cold) X Ushna (hot) 
Snigdha (unctuous, oily) X Ruksa (dry)
Slaksna (smooth) X Khara (rough) 
Sandra (solid) X Drava (liquid) 
Mrdu (soft) X Kathina (hard) 
Sthira (stable) X Cala (moving, unstable)
Suksma (subtle, very small) X Sthula (big, gross) 
Vishada (non-slimy) X Picchila (slimy)
Eniko will take up two pairs of gunas in each session. 
Understanding the gunas helps us make intelligent choices and live a healthy and wholeosme life.

About the teacher

Eniko has been teaching and studying in Sri T Krishnamacharya’s tradition since 2013. She has studied with Saraswathi Vasudevan and Srivatsa Ramaswami. She has been offering chanting programs with her mentor, Savithri Ravikrishnan. 

She is a member of the faculty at ArtAwake Yoga in the Netherlands, offering 200-hour teacher training programs. She has been mentoring Yoga Vaidyas at YogaVahini since 2020.

She tries to reach out to people in various age groups and stages of life (kids, seniors; prenatal, postnatal, therapy) apart from active adults.

She is curious to explore different techniques (mudras, marmas, yoga in different elements such as water or air) while keeping herself anchored in the traditional teachings of yoga. She teaches in person in Le Coteau, France. 

Eniko is a volunteer first aid worker at Croix Blanche, French National Rescue Emergency Organization.

Please note: Sangati is an offering by the commuity for the community. The current week’s recording is available here

Please bookmark the link, as this is where we will be uploading each Sangati. The current week’s recording will be available until the next Sangati recording is uploaded. We will not be able to entertain requests for extensions or to view old recordings. We hope you can either make it to the live session or catch up with the recording. 

When you register, you can choose to attend one or more of the occurences. The meeting info remains the same for a particular Sangati chapter. 

Register here.