One of the most intriguing aspects of learning and teaching Yoga in this tradition has been the exploration of modifications in asana to suit the needs of the individual. This creative process gently guides us into the subtle exploration of the body and the breath. The slightest shift, the smallest change, the delicate awareness make exploring our bodies so exciting and enriching.This is the first step towards discovering myself, knowing Who am I, enabling a deep listening within.
Let us come together in these 4 sessions to explore the art of modifications and variations in Asana, a process of Dharana and Dhyana on our bodies.
Each week, we will select a set of asanas to work with and slowly discover what possibilities exist as our attentiveness deepens.
About the Teacher:
Apoorva has trained with YogaVahini as a Yoga Acharya and a Yoga Vaidya and has been teaching in the tradition of Sri Krisnamacharya for more than a decade now. She teaches yoga with the intention of helping people experience personal transformation and growth through simple practices. She has been deeply inspired by her discovery of Yoga as a foundation of Indian Psychology and a powerful practice for examining the subtle relationship between the body, the breath and the mind. She offers and adapts the ancient tools of yoga to today’s language and context through personal yoga therapy and healing sessions.
To register, click here
The recordings of the session will be available for viewing for a week after the session in the YouTube Playlist – Sangati.