Continuing with the Bhagavad Gita theme through 2024, Saraswathi Vasudevan will lead us on different topics from this profound text, drawing out insights and yogic practices of particular relevance to our daily life.

The Bhagavad Gita presents the essence of the ancient teachings from the Upanisads that take one towards self-realisation. It is a text that has inspired people from all walks of life over millennia, and has something precious to offer every human being. Even a few key thoughts from the Gita offer immense possibilities for personal transformation if developed through continuous abhyasa (practice) and Vairagya (dispassion).

Rather than a lecture on the Bhagavad Gita, these sessions will offer pointers for practice and self-reflection. Small simple steps that, with regular practice, can take us on a transformative journey.

Last Saturday of the month from March to December 2024
Next session on 14 December 2024
at 11.30 am to 12.45 pm IST

Fee (per session)
AUD 30 for international participants
Rs 1,000 for Indian participants living in India

Whilst the whole series is cumulative, each session is also self-contained. Feel free to attend the session(s) as you prefer. Past sessions are available on request.

We hope you are able to join us live, but if you can’t join some or all sessions due to time zones or other reasons, don’t worry: all sessions are recorded and we will mail a link for viewing to all registrants shortly after the sessions conclude.

Indian participants living in India, register here.
International participants, register here.