Developing a Personal Practice: The True Spirit and Experience of Yoga
Owing to the current situation, the program format and dates for 2021 have not been finalized.
“It is only so far as the teacher progresses can we help our students…” – Sri TKV Desikachar
As practitioners & teachers of yoga, do you sense a strong need
– to deepen your understanding and experience of yoga?
– to touch the subtle and more powerful inner locations that are more empowering and stabilising?
– to help oneself and others to achieve their highest potential?
Developing, sustaining and progressing with one’s personal yoga practice and supporting this process for the evolution of a student are key elements of the Krishnamacharya tradition of yoga. Our teachers taught by example, through simple yet profound and a highly nuanced process that went beyond tools, techniques and methods. As students, we always came away from a class touched by the true spirit and experience of yoga.
This 2-week intensive is an effort to create a learning space for exploring this subtle and fundamental spirit of yoga practice and teaching that is very unique and yet universally applicable. Learn to practice and teach asana, pranayama and meditative practices that focus on keeping the student and their needs as the heart of our work.
Open to all sincere students of yoga.
For details, and registration, click here, and submit the Contact Us form mentioning the name of the course / your background in Yoga.