The principle of non-violence lies at the heart of yoga, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves, with kindness and compassion and free from violence in thought, word or action. The basis on non-violence is to dethrone ourselves from the centre of our world and put another there, and to honour the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody, without exception, with absolute justice, equity and respect.
It is also necessary to bring the practice of non-violence and compassion into every aspect of our private and work life. As yoga teachers and therapists, we have the responsibility to refrain from abusing our position or power and exploiting anybody for serving our self-interest without respect and concern for their situation.
Each person that chooses to learn and grow through yoga should feel safe and secure whilst studying. As you prepare to train as a yoga teacher/therapist, we commit to abide by the Code of Ethics outlined by the International Yoga Alliance for Ethics (IYAE).
As a Student:
I have the right to study, practice and grow in a safe environment that is free from any form of actual or potential harm.
I have the right to be treated with respect and fairness by my teachers/trainers/therapists at all times.
My boundaries will be respected at all times.
I will not be treated with discrimination based on my age, gender, gender-identity, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or any basis proscribed by law.
I will be informed of the right code of conduct whilst studying/practising yoga in a group & one-on-one setting.
I have the right to be informed of the recommended care, class procedures and fees before the beginning of a class or session.
I understand that the personal information I share with a yoga teacher/therapist will never be shared with anyone except with his or her supervisor/mentor for my benefit and only with my consent or as required by law.
I understand that my relationship with my teacher or therapist will be free from any form of harm or exploitation and the relationship exists for my benefit and not for the benefit of the teacher/trainer/therapist.
I understand that touching a student for instructional /therapeutic or assessment purposes will only be done after I am given the reasons for the touch and only after my consent is given.
I understand that if I am uncomfortable by the touch of a teacher/trainer or therapist in the context of a group class/one-on-one session or outside these sessions, I have the right to voice my dissent to the teacher concerned and the respective authorities as this is clearly breaching boundaries of the code of ethics in yoga.
I understand that a sexual relationship with my mentor/teacher/trainer/therapist is never appropriate.
I understand that there is no provision for secrecy or secret rituals in the teacher-student relationship in the context of learning or healing. Any such suggestions/practices by a teacher/trainer or therapist is considered inappropriate for whatever reasons presented by them.
I will not be treated (through language/gestures/behaviour) by yoga teachers/therapists in a manner that is demeaning or humiliating in an attempt to correct or motivate me as a student.
Under such circumstances, I have the right to seek redress with the respective authorities about the concerned teacher.
As a Teacher / Trainer / Therapist / Mentor:
I have adopted the Code of Ethics as a standard bearer of excellence in my yoga teaching/training/therapy/mentoring work.
I will display the principles of the Code of Ethics prominently in my studio/class-room/consultation room so that my students can view them.
I have the duty to respect, treat with dignity and ensure that no mental or physical harm is caused to my students whilst instructing them and facilitating their learning/healing.
I fully understand the power differential that exists between a teacher and student and will take extra care and precaution at all times so as to not cause any form of harm even if it is meant to motivate the student or help them with their study/healing process.
I will not use language or behave in a manner that is derogatory, humiliating to the student(s) or make any discrimination based on their gender, age, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or any basis proscribed by law.
As a yoga teacher/therapist, I do not indulge in behaviour that can be seen as bullying under any circumstances, I understand it is inappropriate and against the principles of yoga.
I will not behave in a manner that might indicate that I am biased against any student or show favouritism. I understand that this kind of behaviour will compromise the trust in the relationship and breed an unhealthy environment for the students to learn and grow.
I will respect and practice confidentiality with respect to the personal information of my students/clients and share it only with their consent with my mentor/supervisor only for the benefit of the student.
I will be open to receiving constructive feedback from my students on my actions/behaviour that might be seen/experienced as inappropriate in the context of my role as a teacher/therapist/trainer and make sincere efforts to change them for the better.
I will not touch the student for instructions/assessment/therapeutic purposes unless it is absolutely essential, and only after explaining to the student the need for the touch and having received their informed consent each time.
If I understand that the student is uncomfortable with my touch, I shall abstain from any physical contact even if I deem it necessary or it is considered a general practice.
I will take all care and precautions to avoid any physical contact that might be construed as sexual in nature during instructions/assessment/therapy or outside the classroom context with my
students/clients at all times.
I shall not, at any time, engage in a sexual relationship with my student/client and will follow the Code of Ethics guidelines when conflicting circumstances arise.
I shall put the student’s welfare above my personal desires and needs at all times and act in a manner that is free from any selfish motives.
I shall provide the students with information of the Code of Ethics as a module during their teacher/therapist training.
I will be aware of and take full responsibility for my personal desires and goals coming in the way of my relationship with my student/client and seek supervisory support to resolve conflicts that might arise in the relationship.
I will support my students/clients to seek redress from respective authorities if I come across any form of abuse or exploitation caused by a colleague/employer and not allow personal/professional loyalties and selfish motives to come in the way of my decision to act.